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Your tax-deductible contribution will help families face dementia with new hope and help Connected Horse demonstrate the tremendous promise of therapeutic equine-guided programs.

We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for Connected Horse. We believe in creating positive change, and we invite you to join us in making that difference. We’d love to bring Connected Horse programming, both our equine-guided workshops and At-Home programs, to more communities this year. By achieving this goal, we can combat loneliness and isolation while bringing hope to many more people affected by dementia and their care partners. Won’t you help us bring hope to our communities around the country?

Donating Stocks

Maximize your donation’s impact. Gift stock or donate long-term appreciated securities including stock, bonds or mutual funds directly to Connected Horse. We receive the full value from its sale and you have the potential to eliminate capital gains exposure and increase your gift and tax donation—a win-win for everyone. For more information about donations, please contact us at

Planned Giving

There are many creative and flexible giving options to achieve your unique charitable vision. By making a bequest or other estate gift to Connected Horse, you will support our work to bring healing and hope to families facing dementia through the human-horse bond. Popular planned giving options include:

  • Bequest by Will or Trust
  • Retirement Plan
  • Life Insurance

We encourage you to speak to a professional estate-planning advisor. We would be pleased to learn about your plans and discuss the programs you are interested in supporting in a confidential meeting. Please contact us at 415-377-0934 or at Thank you.

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